Upcoming Events
Smyrna Town Board Meeting: July 09, 2024 :: (Next Month: August 13, 2024)
Smyrna Village Board Meeting: July 16, 2024 :: (Next Month: August 20, 2024)
Smyrna Town Court Dates (6:30 PM): July 04, 2024 and July 18, 2024
ADA Night (6:30 PM): 3rd Thursday of the month: July 18, 2024

Smyrna Town History

Wooden bridge over creek, Upperville Falls Se

Smyrna, known as the Eighth Township of the Governor's Purchase, or Chenango County Townships, was taken from Sherburne, March 28, 1808 and first named Stafford, but the name was changed April 5th of the same year to Smyrna, named it is said from the Ancient City of Asia minor*.

*Early Years in Smyrna And Our First Home Week
Author: George Albert Munson - Published 1905 / Page 9

The Complete Llistory of the Srnyrna Opera House (Town Hall)
Please see this PDF document

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